Monday, November 07, 2011

OK Computer Side Note

I just remembered this, and it ticked me off in a major way. He said the internet was boring. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Anyone who finds the internet boring is A) fucking lazy, B) just not into computers, C) unimaginative, or D) a combination of all 3. There is ALWAYS something to learn on the fucking internet. I mean, COME ON. You can learn a language. You can learn about wine. You can learn about tigers. You can learn about fucking ANYTHING. As a perpetual dork who loves learning and bettering myself with knowledge, hearing that made me feel extremely insulted on behalf of the glorious internet. I fucking love the internet.

This just serves as yet another reason I have NO regrets saying no to a second date with this a-hole. Anyone who lacks the same thirst for knowledge I have is just beneath me. I might sound like a bitch for saying so, but it's fucking true. I refuse to waste my time on those of little brainpower. I have better things to do with my time.

I'm going to go learn about contemporary Japanese art now. Thank you, internet. Thank you for being fucking awesome.


  1. Admittedly, the internet does house a lot of crap, and sometimes it seems like that's all you can find. There have been times, sitting at work at my old job thinking, "This sucks so bad, even the internet can't entertain me. There is nothing for me but to become catatonic." But then, that was more telling of my own state of mind...

    Dude, this guy was putting up red flags way before that, though.

    Yeah, surfing the internet can get annoying after a while. I mean, sometimes you just want something else to do. And yeah, there's a lot of crap, but if you're a Google pro, you can find the good stuff. :P

    And he was definitely putting up red flags before this. Also, I don't think I mentioned that he said his college was a joke. I never thought I'd be someone who cared about a guy's education. But when he says it like that, it just makes him look like a lazy idiot, like he learned nothing. Not. Hot. It's not even like MY school was that great, but I at least cared about getting an education! Ugh. (A week+ later and I'm still being annoyed by him... XD)

  3. The Internet thanks you for your defense. I like your blog. Keep up the good work!

    Jared from A Bad Case of the Dates.

  4. @Liz Jones

    This was after like, two solid months being trapped at work, with no business, trawling the internet for five hours a day until I couldn't even tell what was good or bad, and my brain was like a pudding. I didn't even want to learn anything anymore. But that's not really the internet's fault.

    I think what's more annoying about saying his college was a joke is just the negative attitude towards it. College, like ANYTHING ELSE IN LIFE, is what you make of it, so saying it was a joke is like saying "I couldn't be bothered to make this into a positive experience, and that was for four years. You really think I'm going to bother coming up with something interesting to say for the sake of your four minute conversation about it?" DEADBEAT, good riddance.

  5. @JMG
    Thanks, Jared! If I have any extremely ridiculous dates, though, you get dibs. :P

    Yeah, I can imagine that such an environment would make your brain bleed to the point where the internet is no longer satisfying. I can imagine that the Google search page would be headache inducing after a time.



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