I just remembered this, and it ticked me off in a major way. He said the internet was boring. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Anyone who finds the internet boring is A) fucking lazy, B) just not into computers, C) unimaginative, or D) a combination of all 3. There is ALWAYS something to learn on the fucking internet. I mean, COME ON. You can learn a language. You can learn about wine. You can learn about tigers. You can learn about fucking ANYTHING. As a perpetual dork who loves learning and bettering myself with knowledge, hearing that made me feel extremely insulted on behalf of the glorious internet. I fucking love the internet.
This just serves as yet another reason I have NO regrets saying no to a second date with this a-hole. Anyone who lacks the same thirst for knowledge I have is just beneath me. I might sound like a bitch for saying so, but it's fucking true. I refuse to waste my time on those of little brainpower. I have better things to do with my time.
I'm going to go learn about contemporary Japanese art now. Thank you, internet. Thank you for being fucking awesome.